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SEO Services

Looking for quality traffic? We’ll get you there.

Red Queen’s heart lays in search engine optimisation. It’s her bread and butter. She has expertise, ideas and strategies to help make your business’ website gain more visibility online and fortify your defenses against external factors… heard of those Google algorithm updates?

We can do the lot, from top to bottom; keyword research, competitor analysis, strategy and implementation, or hit us up for some project based work to support your business. Let’s just start a conversation.


“One of our goals is to bring you quality, online traffic. We do this by collaborating, strategising and implementing a well thought-out SEO plan. This leads us to sustainable growth.”

- Michelle Tansey, founder of Red Queen Marketing

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. In layman's terms, it’s the use of tactics that help search engines like Google and Bing, assess the content on your website. Why is that important? Because these search engines are influencing where your website ranks in search results. So it’s useful to know how to play the game.

How we can help

Have you noticed a change in page rankings? It’d be worth doing some SEO work.

  • Strategic SEO planning and quality execution

  • Boost EEATS signals 

  • Perform SEO diagnostics and health checks

  • Conduct audits

  • Competitor and SERP analysis 

  • Genuinely optimised content for SEO

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To get the ball rolling

Get in touch

Fill out the online contact form and mention this service with a preferred date and time

Preliminary Research

Red Queen will come to your session prepared with preliminary research done. Expect a few questions shot your way as well.

It is time

Let's meet in your productive space. This can be over a zoom call, or we can meet face-to-face if you're based in Sydney

Why Red Queen?

Red Queen’s approach to SEO is data driven, unique and measurable. We’ll create a custom plan for your business’ SEO needs and implement changes with transparency, so you can feel comfortable with our direction and see impactful results.

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost?

Red Queen will have a look at costs after your free initial consultation with Michelle. With a good understanding of your company’s goals and values, we’ll suggest ways we can collaborate and provide you with a detailed quote.

What other services do you offer?

We offer services in content marketing, backlinking and digital PR to name a few. See here for Red Queen’s full range of services, and get in touch to start a conversation.

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